Be Ready For Summer!

 Be Ready For Summer!

Be Ready for Summer!

Summer! Be Ready For Summer! Make sure your vehicle is ready for summer. Consumer Auto Parts has everything you need for summer driving. Summer’s heat, dust, and stop-and-go traffic, will take their toll on your vehicle. Add the effects of last winter, and you could be poised for a breakdown. You can lessen the odds of mechanical failure through periodic maintenance…Your vehicle should last longer and command a higher resale price, too!

  • Air Conditioning
    A marginally operating system will fail in hot weather. Have the system examined by a qualified technician.
  • Cooling System
    The greatest cause of summer breakdowns is overheating. The cooling system should be completely flushed and refilled about every 24 months.
  • Brakes
    If your summer weather pattern includes thunderstorms and rain, you will want to inspect your brakes because wet brakes can be less responsive.

  • Towing
    Towing a boat, camper, or trailer is common in the summertime. Before you hook on and drive off for a vacation destination, though, make sure you have inspected your car and trailer.
  • Belts
    Check the engine belts by turning them sideways with your hand so you can see the friction surface. If they’re at all ragged, torn, cracked or showing the fiber cords, it’s time for fresh ones.
  • Battery
    While rough starting conditions are associated with winter, summer actually can be more demanding on your battery.